Here's how it works:

  1. Your incoming email will be diverted to a Gmail folder by creating a filter in Gmail settings.
  2. At times you specify (hourly or at specific times) we'll move those emails to your Inbox.
  3. You can always peek ahead; undelivered emails will just be in the BatchedInbox label in your Gmail.
  4. You can temporarily or permanently disable batching of your email at any time.

We never:

How can I receive certain emails immediately?

There are a few different options:

  1. Simply keep urgent emails in your Inbox (don't archive them). New replies to anything already in your Inbox will show up at the top of your Inbox immediately.
  2. If you want to see replies sooner to an email you just sent, move the sent email to your Inbox. This works like the previous option.
  3. If you need to check emails from a specific person, you can perform a search in Gmail for that contact or subject, instead of looking through your entire BatchedInbox label.
  4. If you have certain contacts that should always bypass BatchedInbox, see the next question.

What if I'd just like certain contacts to bypass BatchedInbox?

If you'd like to have emails from certain contacts or domains immediately, you can create a new filter with the from addresses or domains you'd like (separate multiple emails/domains with an uppercase "OR"). On the second step, select "Never send it to Spam". Because this filter comes after the BatchedInbox filter you previously created, emails from these contacts will appear immediately in your Inbox.

Can I use BatchedInbox to batch updates from Twitter/Facebook/RSS?

Certainly! Configure social sites to email you on relevant actions, and you'll get updates with your email batches.

Want to batch RSS? Try a service like Blogtrottr that emails RSS updates.

How can I hide the BatchedInbox label in Gmail? That's distracting!

Simply hover over the label, click the arrow that appears on the right, and select "Hide" under "In label list:"

Do you have a status page? And how can I stay up-to-date with the latest features?

We'll post operational issues, status updates, and new features to our twitter account. Talk to us!

How can I prevent my other filtered email from appearing immediately?

Gmail processes filters in the order listed on the filter settings page, so the BatchedInbox filter needs to be the last one defined, otherwise other filters can put emails back in your Inbox. If you are experiencing this, head to your filters page and delete the BatchedInbox filter if it isn't the last one. Next, have BatchedInbox automatically re-create the filter. This will move it to the bottom again where it will run last. Unfortunately, because Gmail doesn't provide a way to re-order or specify filter priority, you'll have to do this whenever updating other filters.

How do I update my billing info?

Simply visit the billing page!

How do I disable BatchedInbox?

Simply visit the deactivation page to unbatch your Inbox and remove BatchedInbox permissions to access your Inbox.

Advanced Gmailers rejoice! BatchedInbox also plays well with and Gmail SmartLabels

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